Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday--May 29, 2012

Top 10 Tuesday (#1)

I will now be participating in Top 10 Tuesday (almost) every Tuesday. Top 10 Tuesday is a blog hop hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. They post a Top 10 topic & other blogs participate & link their blog post to their website. It is a way to get to know your follow bloggers & get more traffic on your own blog! If you have a book blog, you can definitely participate! If not, you can still post your answers below in the comments!

This week's Top 10 Topic is:

Top 10 Books Written In The Past 10 Years That I Hope Are Still Being Read In 30 Years

This is a hard one! I've only become a massive reader in the past 12 months, so I haven't read as much as I would like to admit. I definitely have read books before I became an obsessive reader, like Harry Potter & The Clique Series though. With that said, I'm only going to list 5 books that I hope are still being read 30 years from now.

Here is my list:

1. Harry Potter Series
I've always thought that the Harry Potter books would one day become classics. If they don't already (and I'm sure some do), schools will one day require their students to read two or three of them. The Harry Potter series is the type of series you don't see more than once in a lifetime. Harry Potter is truly original and I don't think it is going anywhere anytime soon even though the books and movies are now done. If I ever have kids, I'm definitely going to make them read at least the first book.

2. The Hunger Games
Nobody should be two surprised by this. I love The Hunger Games. I'm not listing them just because they are extremely popular or because I love them so much, I'm listing them because I truly believe that 30 years from now, people will still be reading them. They hold an important message about society, and since they take place in the future, they won't really be outdated 30 years from now.

3. Divergent
Like The Hunger Games, I believe that the Divergent books have a very important message to them. Also, like The Hunger Games, they cannot become outdated ever because they take place in the future. Besides that, the books are amazing & I highly recommend them. 

4. Delirium
I am repeating myself over and over again for each book, but Delirium has an important message to it that I believe future generations should know about. The whole concept of a country without love is very mind boggling, and an interesting topic to talk about. Not only that, but this book is so beautifully written, I would be surprised if this book isn't still read 30 years from now.

5. The Maze Runner

I seriously am being repetitive, but I mean it every time. This book is so original and so unique. I also don't think it will be outdated either. By the way, I haven't read the last two books yet, so SHHH! don't write about them in the comments, PLEASE!!


  1. Nice list! Haven't read Delirium yet but it's almost next on my tbr (:
    My TTT; http://booknookgirl.blogspot.com/2012/05/top-ten-tuesday-0529.html

  2. Thank you for your comment! I'll definitely check your post! Delirium is really good!

  3. Great list! I definitely agree with Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, and Delirium and Divergent are really good choices too. And I just love the background for your blog!

  4. I never grow tired of reading the Harry Potter books, and I don't think that I'll ever read another series like it, either. I recently read Delirium and really liked it.

    1. Yes, Harry Potter is truly unique and special! And thanks for the follow!

  5. Great list! I'll comment on the Maze Runner since everyone else already covered the other books. It was nothing like I've ever read before. Riveting and suspenseful to the end, and great characters. Can't wait to read the other two books in the series!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to comment. It means a lot. Just please do NOT post spoilers in them. Thanks!!

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